Full Stack Web Development



  1. Beginning In C by Ivor Horton
  2. C: How To Program By Deitel, Deitel
  3. Programming In ANSI C By Balagurusamy
  4. The C Programming Language By Dennis Ritch
  5. Computer Programming (Tamim Sahriar Subin)


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  1. Java : How To Program By Deitel, Deitel
  2. Head First Java By Bert Bates
  3. Java Complete Reference By Herbert Schildt
  4. Thinking In Java By Bruce Eckel
  5. Head First Object Oriented Analysis & Design
    By Brett Mclaughlin
  6. Head First Design Patterns By Freeman


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Data Structure & Algorithms


  1. Introduction To Algorithm By Thomas H. Cormen
  2. The Algorithm Design Manual By Steven Skiena
  3. ALgorithms By Robert Sedgewick
  4. Data Structure and Algorithms in Java By Michael T. Goodrich
  5. Head First Object Oriented Analysis & Design By Brett Mclaughlin
  6. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms By Ananz Levitin


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Discrete Mathematics


  1. Discrete Mathematics And Its Application By Kcnncih H. Rosen
  2. Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction By Oscar Levin
  3. Concrete Mathematics By Donald Knuth


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  1. Don't Make Me Think By Steve Krug
  2. Design in Everyday Life By Don Norman
  3. Non Designers Design Book By Robin William
  4. UX Stratrgy By Jame Levz
  5. Design Pattern for Digital System (Diana Macdonald)
  6. Inclusive Design for Digital World (Regine Gilbert)
  7. The Elements of User Expreience By Jesse James Garrett
  8. About Face By Alan Cooper


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  1. HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites By John Duckett
  2. Web Design with HTMl, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set By John Duckett
  3. Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 By Ben Frain
  4. Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 By Benjamin Jakobus
  5. Mastering Bootstrap 4 By Benjamin Jakobus
  6. Bootstrap 4 Quick Start: A Beginner's Guide ti Building Responsive Layouts with Bootstrap By Jacob Lett


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React Redux


  1. Learning React: Fundamental Web Development with React Redux by Alex Banks
  2. React: Up & Running: Building Web Applications by Stozan Stefanov
  3. Building ReactJS Applications with Redux by David Gearz
  4. Redux in Action By Garreau and Will Faurot
  5. Learn React Hooks: Build and Refactor Modern ReactJS Applications using Hooks by Daniel Bugl
  6. Mastering React Test Driven Development by Daniel Irvine


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  • PHP


    1. PHP in Action: Objects, Design, Agilitz by Daginn Reiersol
    2. Programming PHP: Creating Dznamic Web Pages by Kevin Tatroe
    3. PHP and MySQL Web Development by Laura Thompson
    4. PHP and MySQL Novice to Ninja by Tom Butler
    5. Head First PHP & MySQL by Lynn Beighley
    6. PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice by Matt Zandstra


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    1. পাইথন পরিচিতি by তামিম শাহরিয়ার সুবিন
    2. সহজ ভাষায় পাইথন ৩ by মাকসুদুর রহমান মাটিন
    3. Python Crash Course by Eric Matthews
    4. Head First Python by Paul Berrz
    5. Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science by John Zell_v
    6. Fluent Python: Powerful Object Oriented Programming by Mark Lutz


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    1. NodeJS in Action by Mike Cantelon
    2. Express in Action by Evan Hahn
    3. Professional NodeJS: Building JavaScript Based Scalable Software by Pedro
    4. Practice NodeJS: Building Real World Scalable Web Apps by Ayat Mardan
    5. Node: Up & Running By Mike Wilson
    6. NodeJS Design Patterns by Mario Casciaro


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    1. Beginning Database Design by Clare Churcher
    2. Beginning Database Design solution by Rod Stephens
    3. Six Step Relational Database Design by Fidel A Captain
    4. SQL Antipatterns - Avoiding The Pitfalls of Database by Bill Karwin
    5. Database Design & Relational Theory by Christopher J. Date


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    System Design


    1. System Analysis and Design by Denis, Wixom & Roth
    2. Clean Architecture - A Craftsman Guide to Software Structure and Design by Robert C. Martin
    3. Designing Data Intensive Application by Martin Cleppmann
    4. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler
    5. System Analysis and Design by Scott Tilley
    6. Modern System Analysis and Design by Joshep Valacich
    7. Designing Distributed Systems : Patterns and paradigms For Scalable and Reliable Services by Brendan Burns

    Youtube Channels

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    1. DevOps Handbook : How to Create World-Class Agilitz, Reliability and Securitz in Technology Organizations by Gene Kim
    2. The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim
    3. Accelerate : The Science of Lean Software and DevOps by Nicole Forsgren
    4. Continuous Delivery : Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test and Deployment Automation by Jey Humble & David Farley
    5. Site Reliability Engineering by Betsz Beyer & Chris Jones
    6. Site Reliability Workbook by Betsz Beyer & Niall Richard
    7. Infrastructure as Code by Kief Morris

    Youtube Channels

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    Software Engineering


    1. Introduction to Software Engineering by Ronald J Leach
    2. Clean Code by Robert Cecil Martin
    3. The Pragmatic Programmer by Andz Hunt and Dave Thomas
    4. Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gama
    5. The Clean Coder : A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers by Robert Cecil Martin
    6. Clean Architecture : A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design by Robert Cecil Martin
    7. Refactoring : Improving the Design of Existing Code by Kent Beck and Martin Fowler
    8. The Mythical Man-Month By Fred Brooks

    Youtube Channels

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    1. Arduino Te Haatekhori
    2. Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things
    3. Electronics Cookbook_ Practical Electronic Recipes with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
    4. Electronics-projects-for-dummies-math-science
    5. Arduino Projects for dummies
    6. Arduino Home Automation Projects _ Automate your Home using the powerful Arduino Platform
    7. A_logical_exposition_of_electronics_vol1_rabbani
    8. 30 Arduino™ Projects for the Evil Genius - Department of Control
    9. 20 Unbelievable Arduino Projects By Multiple-compressed


    1. Arduino CC
    2. Spark Fun
    3. Instruc Tables
    4. Do It Yourself
    5. Fritzing
    6. How To Me Chatronics
    7. Draw
    8. Tinkercad


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